Who we are
Who we are

The UPLB Housing Office (UHO) is UPLB’s arm in managing its housing facilities and in formulating and implementing policies and regulations on matters concerning the housing units of the University, private properties, and allied agencies within the campus. In addition to managing more than 250 staff housing units, UHO offers training, conference, and accommodation facilities through its supervised guesthouses and the Obdulia F. Sison Hall—the University’s hostel and training venue.


In consonance with its mandate, the UHO shall manage the UPLB’s housing facilities and accommodation and training facilities with efficiency, efficacy and innovation.


UHO envisions to manage sustainable and well-maintained University owned housing units, hotels, equipped with world-class facilities, environment-friendly amenities and innovative services.


UHO aims to deliver excellent service to the UPLB constituents and visitors by creating liveable spaces through its housing units and transient facilities.

Major Programs and Activities

  • Offers housing facilities to UPLB staff and guests, with shared responsibility and mutual accountability within the limits of UHO’s resources
  • Awards occupancy agreements to UPLB staff through open competition based firmly on established criteria and prescribed point system
  • Regulates and administer housing policies for staff and guests, and for private and other entities using UPLB land
  • Improves and maintains housing units and hotels ensuring the quality of facilities and amenities
  • Creates opportunities for social advancement and cooperation among its clientele, whenever applicable, through physical, social and intellectual activities